Lake Louise, Alberta | Personal

If you ever get the chance to make your way to Lake Louise in Alberta I HIGHLY recommend it.  The view and scenery is out of this world!  Each turn you make is more scenic then the next.  My only wish was that we could jump in the lake and swim but unfortunately there are strict rules and no swimming is allowed.  You could however rent a canoe and go for a paddle around the majestic lake to take in the view.

valentine/lovie minis @ murrary & finn - february 7th from 10:00- 2:00

I'm excited to announce another collaboration with Murray & Finn ---> Valentine/Lovie Minis!  
If you are anything like my kids they have their favorite "lovie" that they cherish and adore but you don't really have any photos of them with them.  These minis are for that purpose.  Bring your child along with their favorite doll, teddy, blankie or even their favorite person.  The timing for these minis are perfect since Valentine's Day is right around the corner.  Come and lets have some fun!

Maximum two children per session.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me or to book your session directly, click HERE: