mexico | travel scrapbook

The time we got away for a little Vitamin D re-charge.  We chased iguanas, marveled at the Ancient Mayan Ruins of Chinchen Itza (say that 10 times), swam in a Cenote (aka sinkhole) where we learned Mayan human sacrifices used to be performed hundreds of years ago (egads!).  We ate far too many chips & salsa, drank cervezas and lots of pina coladas.  My 7 year-old won for the second year in a row a bottle of tequila at Bingo, had dinner with a crocodile just inches away, developed some new freckles and over all had an amazing relaxing time.  

our family through tara whitney's eyes | personal

Since we are homebound for yet another snow day (grrr) I thought I would use my time wisely and update this blog with the family photos that we recently had taken by the fabulous Tara Whitney.   Tara is a photographer whom I have long admired for how she captures families as they are 'right now'.  I reached out to her once we knew we were going to be on the west coast over the holidays and luckily she was able to make a trip to Palm Springs while we were there.  As you can see it was a lovely day and I'm so happy I made that call because its nice to be in photos with my family and not just on the other side of the lens.